February 13, 2008

Woo-hoo Wednesday

Another 2 - 4 inches of snow today. It's to the point that I don't ask whether it is going to snow, just if it's going to be so much that I need to stay home from work.

Beerman finished my SAD lamp last night. I'll take a picture of me in front of it and post it when I use it tonight. It's pretty slick. I didn't even ask how late he stayed up finishing it, the sweet thing. But I'm going to get HAPPY!

Valentines Day is tomorrow. That's cool. Since I've put the family on a budget, we aren't doing big stuff. No giant bouquets of flowers. Sniff. And it's MY FAULT! Sniff. I've got Valentines to go to C-man's friends at school. His daycare is doing one of its late nights on Friday, so Beerman and I will go out to eat and have a beer, which I'm excited about.

Another really exciting thing is it's Day 2 of C-man being in Pull-Ups and telling us and his teachers when he has to go. He has been doing it at home, but hates to go at school. So I am almost scared to say anything in case he reverts back to refusing to go on the potty entirely like he has been the last month. But he is choosing to do this, after having always refused to even put any Pull-Ups on, and getting excited about doing this. So I'm crossing my fingers and hoping it's just the right time for him. Just trying to find the line between pushing him too hard so he reverts and just enough so we keep going. Oh, the joys...

And finally, C-man won the picture of the month on The Morning Blend last month. It's all framed up, and they're going to show it during the first segment on the air tomorrow. So if you're local, be sure to watch at 9 a.m.


I know I'm a left-leaning liberal, but even I'm annoyed by Huckabee's decision to stay in the race. I mean, really? How can you call yourself a member of a party when all you're doing is continuing to divide it? And who is still voting for this joker? Don't get me wrong, I find it spit my tea out funny that the Republicans are looking like the Democrats these days, but he's still annoying nonetheless.

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