October 11, 2008

Hide and Seek

C-man and I spent the morning at the Audubon Center for storytime and then some running around outside in the preserve on a gorgeous day. It ended up turning into an hour and a half session of hide and seek, which goes something like this with a 3 1/2 year old... Mommy, you count. I start to count. No, not backwards, like this. He then proceeds to count 1 - 2 - 3... So I start over doing it "right" this time. Ready or not, here I come. Giggle. Giggle. Hysterical laughing while I continue to "look". Mommy, I'm over here! which later turns into Na-na-na-na-boo-boo! Okay, my turn to count. You go hide right over there so I can find you. No matter how many times we do it, it still makes me laugh.

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