August 7, 2009

You are SO not getting a Bucky Badger doll

Yesterday our doorbell rang. It, of course, was the neighbor kid. He was playing with his Bucky Badger doll, and it "happened" to end up on our side of the fence. Could he go and get it? Of course. As he left, C-man asked, "Can I get a Bucky Badger doll? Can I please, Mom?" (enter record screeching noise here along with my horrified wide-eyed look) "Dear, we are NOT getting you a Bucky Badger doll. We are Golden Eagles. We are Marquette. We ring out a hoya for the MU rah-rah. We wear blue and gold. We do NOT cheer for rodents that dig in the dirt." "But neighbor kid has one. Can I get one too? Please, pleeeze, Puh-leeze?" "Did you not just hear me? We are not Badgers in this house. It would be like you telling me you wanted to be a St. Louis Cardinals fan." "Then can I get a golden eagle?" "Yes. Let's go Saturday." I sure showed him.


Rogers5 said...

I can't believe you hate Bucky?! I think we need to remove Caleb from your home. That's like not letting him cheer for the Brewers or Packers

wineandroasts said...

Good Momma!!! LOL

LOVE the Cards comparison. *wink*