November 18, 2009

Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts.

It's cold and raining. So I could complain. And trust me, in my head, I am. But instead, I'm going to give you my 5 happy thoughts of the day.
  1. I got to use the "if you don't have a smile I'll give you mine" line to my husband this morning. Such a stupid saying from my Dad, but it makes me laugh every.single.time.
  2. Today's house cleaning day. And not by me. Whoot! I lo-ove every-other-Wednesday.
  3. I just had a piece of chocolate. A really good piece of chocolate. Mmmmm...
  4. I turned in my expense report and had all of the receipts. Wait, that's not happy, that's a miracle!
  5. When I got to work, there were breakfast burritos waiting for us. I'm not that big of a fan of the breakfast burrito, but free and warm = happy me.

1 comment:

Le laquet said...

Chocolate and a breakfast burrito - sounds good to me!