April 26, 2010

9 shopping days left

A gleeful Harry at the lake

Last week my mom asked me what I wanted for my birthday.  And I had to check my temperature, because I hadn't even thought much about my birthday around the corner.  If you know me at all, you'll know this is not normal behavior.  I typically have a list a mile long with reminders sent out or strategically placed around the house well in advance so that we're all able to properly celebrate cinco de mayo.

When you add on that I had no idea what to tell her, and you'll understand my angst.  I've been so focused on getting rid of "stuff" in my life, to try to clear my head, I hadn't been thinking about what stuff I wanted.

So I've stopped the madness and begun to think about it.  Here are a few front runners on the ol' wish list:
  • Lola bag by Epiphanie
  • Brewers tickets
  • A 20' dumpster and some extra hands to throw out a ton of crap
  • Giant Marquette flag
  • Good books
  • New pair of running shoes
  • Outdoor sink for my garden

1 comment:

Indigo said...

The Lola bag is gorgeous! So much nicer than lugging a huge camera bag around, but would Beerman be caught dead holding it?

I need new running shoes too.