March 27, 2011


I've been POD (parent on duty) all week, while Beerman was in San Francisco. And we've had quite a week! We muddled through some friend problems at school (Let me please say here and now that once again I was shown that there really is no substitute for an amazing teacher!), made cookies, built birthday Lego ships (5 of those picky little suckers!), did homework, wrote all 28 thank you notes to generous gift givers, did some science experiments, went on nature walks, saw Rango, hung out at the library, scooted everywhere, visited a few parks, read books, made pancakes multiple times, and actually found a pair of jeans that fit him (5s are too small, but many 6s are way too big).

Whew. That was a lot of good stuff, and we still have a play to see today.

1 comment:

Bev Sykes said...

Well, I'm glad to see you're staying out of trouble!

I can get enough of the photos of your son. He has the best face...ever (well, except for my granddaughter!)