April 28, 2011

Thursday thirteen things I think are awesome

  1. Cerulean blue front doors
  2. Sunrises
  3. Children's laughter
  4. Waking up refreshed without an alarm clock
  5. Fresh steamed artichokes with lemon mayonnaise
  6. The first buds on the trees after a hard spring rain
  7. Opening photograph images for the first time to find some real gems
  8. The crack of the baseball bat
  9. A freshly cleaned car
  10. C-man's smile
  11. Wearing a sweater I've knitted for the first time
  12. Vacation with my family
  13. Getting an email from an old friend I haven't talked to in ages


Snowcatcher said...

2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 12, all rock, but man, that #4 is THE best!!!

Must be a NM door... love it!

Kim said...

I love waking up refreshed without an alarm clock too ... but I would like to know why it's always so darn early????

Kwizgiver said...

What a great list--especially #4!
