October 1, 2012

Thoughts via bullets

  • C-man had his Cub Scout rain gutter regatta on Friday night. He was about .500 for wins and losses, so that was good. Better than all losses like last year.
  • Fall Fest was a great success, and we've gotten a lot of compliments since. Which is nice, because my house is still a complete disaster, and nobody has the energy to do anything about it!
  • C-man isn't feeling very well. I sent him to school anyhow. There was no fever, and while I know he isn't feeling great, I want to save those sick days for the real sick days he ends up with.
  • I'm assuming I'm going to be sick by the weekend.
  • His custom made Zig Tech shoes are scheduled to be delivered today. I'm hoping that heals the sniffles a bit.
  • We took our Christmas card photo this weekend, and it's outrageous. People are either going to laugh or send us to the mental ward. Either way, I like it.
  • C-man and I are heading to Chicago this Saturday. I'm going to try to meet up with a friend and C-man wants to go to the Lego store and Grahamwich. I aim to please.
  • My back and hip have been feeling a bit better, which is positive.
  • The fall leaves are gorgeous. I'm signed up for a retreat at Holy Hill coming up. I hope the color holds on until then!

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