January 14, 2013

Another week of not being independently wealthy

  • I totally missed Downton Abbey last night. Dangit! I have Netflix, Hulu Plus and HBO Go, but the only way to get a free PBS show is via iTunes. Illegal streaming it is.
  • The season premiere of Being Human starts tonight. Since we can't stream it, I need to go to the gym. Double win.
  • In non-TV-related news, I started on a new toxic coctkail medicine today - Simponi. We'll see if this one does anything miraculous. I'm not counting on it.
  • Friends were bragging about how delicious the Dr. Oz green drink is, so I went and got all the ingredients and made it. Healthy, yes. Everyone who walks by my desk makes an "Ew" or equivalent thereof. Kind of how I feel about it too.
  • I maxed out my FSA plan last year, because I was on medication that was $5000 a month. Then I went down to a medication that cost $5 a month. I was all mad that I was leaving so much in there. And then I remembered - acupuncture gets reimbursed. Score! Between that and C-man's speech therapy, we won't be in horrible shape with it.
  • C-man has his first play practice today. It's a musical, so I doubt he'll get a role. But that's okay. He's really excited about being involved. After all, what's better than a children's musical about space?

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