September 26, 2013

Deep breaths

I've been thinking about how we so often take normal things for granted. And I wonder if that's how things are supposed to be, or we have become so self-absorbed, that it's really just a shame.

For example, lately I have been feeling pretty great. Not pain-free. Far from it, really, as I truly doubt that will ever happen without a major gene therapy breakthrough. But I've been better. And that is nothing short of amazing.

So this morning, when I breathed in a big giant breath of crisp Fall air and thought how amazing it was, I was shocked to realized I was actually enjoying the moment. Amazing, because on my pain-filled days, breathing big deep breaths depletes me. It not only causes pain, but the energy expended to do it often feels as if it is just too much work, and not worth the effort to do again.

Seriously. Breathing.

But today is a deep breath kind of day. Big, gulps of breath. And I can smile about it.

It's a good, good day.

1 comment:

NatureFootstep said...

I´m glad you smiled today. I like your image. So relaxing. :)