November 4, 2014

Proud Mama

Last night was the end of year football banquet. We ate some really terrible food, and then sat through the presentations of the 8th grade, and the 7th grade, and the 6th grade. And then the 5th grade coach got up, said some nice words about the season, and called each boy up front to be recognized as a part of the team. Until there were 5 left. These 5 were the award winners. Trophies were presented to the MVP of the line, offense, defense, and whole team. And then, there stood my child with a nervous smile on his face, not sure where to look as tears welled up a little in his eyes, and the coach started to talk about him.

The coach explained that his own motto is "No Quit" (Seriously, it is - it's even on his license plate), and described the importance of working hard and persevering. And then he started to talk specifically about C-man. About how his nickname quickly became the Muscle Hamster (cheers from the whole team erupted at that) because he is smaller than most of the others, but made the key play or disruption whenever they needed him to. (Even in practice when they were just trying to get their offense to learn a new play). He talked about how C-man is not the fastest or the strongest on the team, but never once gave up. And how because of that, he was unstoppable. He said some more incredibly nice things about C-man, and then called him up to be presented with the very last award of the entire night - the "No Quit" award.

So much hard work, and such an amazing lesson for this one to learn at a mere 9. He was practically floating off the floor with happiness and excitement. And I couldn't have been happier for him.

In a related note, the wives of the coaches gave me a gift certificate to a local restaurant to thank me for all the photos of the season. I was surprised and touched. A pretty good night for the house.


Mary Z said...

Congratulations! Obviously he takes after his mother!

l-empress said...

The Yiddish word is "kvell." I know exactly how you feel!