January 29, 2015

Kick in the vegan leather pants

Yesterday, I wore a vegan leather (that's pleather for the rest of us) skirt to work and got all sorts of compliments everywhere I went. I couldn't discern if it was because I was actually in a skirt at work, or because the skirt is that cool. (Because it kind of is) Anyhow, it was the kick in the proverbial pants I needed to start paying attention to my clothes a bit more. Which also might be the official kick in the pants I need to cut some of this extra weight I'm carrying to fit in some nice new clothes. Because who wants to buy new clothes in fat sizes?

Anyhow, so I'm stating it here - It's time to cut out this sugar loading I'm doing, and start lifting weights with my cardio. Because this girl needs to start looking (and feeling) better.

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