November 21, 2006

All I want for Christmas

Since an airline ticket to somewhere warm while someone takes care of C-man isn't realistic, my real wish list this year includes: carpet cleaning (or new flooring!), an organized house, a basement I don't have to wade through, all the laundry folded and put away, a fridge full of food I didn't need to shop for, a college fund funded for Caleb, a holiday I don't have to get in a car to travel for several hours to get to in order to "enjoy", and being able to go to the bathroom without a child and 2 dogs barging in on me to see what I'm doing. Bah-humbug. I want airline tickets to somewhere fun.

If you couldn't already tell, I'm beyond exhausted. The thought of these holidays is doing nothing but stressing me out. If I get pulled in one more direction, or hear one more bitch, I'm going to break.

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