June 17, 2010

13 More Random Thursday Thoughts

  1. This week, I had 2 days of being entirely alone while Beerman worked up north and C-man spent some time with his Nana. And I'm not ashamed to admit, I didn't entirely hate it.
  2. During those 2 days, I got a massage and watched several movies.
  3. I did get a bit worried for a moment when the neighborhood started to flood from the 3" of rain in an hour, and had visions of flooded carnage all over again. But thankfully, no flooding.
  4. The ChemLawn guy showed up at 3 houses on my block today. I want to go knock on those peoples' doors and turn on their TVs and scream, "Look at the Gulf of Mexico images! Do you see those dolphins huddled in a corner trying to escape with their lives? How do you think that fricking fertilizer is made?!? And by the way, when they spray paint 'Drains directly to lake' in front of the drain, they're not kidding!"
  5. Our Mama Dove has moved on to a new nest within eyesight of the old nest because her two babies are too big. They've been stretching their fuzzy wings all day, and it's so stinking cute. I'm just waiting for one of them to try its wings out.  In the meantime, I'll just enjoy their cooing.
  6. I gave Beerman his Fathers Day present of an LCD projector early because we won't be home on Fathers Day. It's supposed to rain buckets all weekend long, which is a bummer, because I'd really hoped we could watch movies in the gazebo Saturday night.
  7. I bought a Thailand travel book. Next year is our 10th anniversary, and I think it deserves something fun. The more I research Thailand, the more I want to go.
  8. Next week, C-man has a baseball game on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Seriously, this is oppressive.
  9. Today is our first CSA box.  Spinach, strawberries, and basil - oh my!  We also signed up for eggs this year, so that's super cool. I love the weekly CSA box.
  10. We've dehydrated some food in the past, but Beerman is convinced that we need to do a better job of preserving the stuff we don't use. I think it's a pretty solid idea.
  11. My Blackberry was broken, so I was without it for a few days. I really liked not having it. That just confirms I need to shut it off more.  Slowly, but surely, I'm weaning off my technology addiction.
  12. Remember my 23andme genome project participation I'd talked about? Apparently one part of it is a relative finder. And several people have made contact with me to share genomes.  The best is one of my fourth cousins (we have one set of the same great-great-great grandparents) who I've been emailing back and forth has 75% of the same genetic makeup as me.  She lives in Bern, Switzerland.  And while we don't know which great-great-great grandparent set we have in common yet, she is taking the surnames I've given her and going to do some archive digging to find out who we have in common.  She also has some German background, so it might be that line too.  But seriously, how cool is that?
  13. Do you think, now that we're so close and all, you know, sharing an identical 12th gene, that it'd be too soon to ask if I can visit? For a few months?


Bev Sykes said...

watching baby doves try to fly for the first time is better than television. Or a blackberry!


Kwizgiver said...

I had a massage last evening after the last day of school for the year. It was heavenly. :-) It's nice you had some good alone time.


Jacquie said...

Sounds like you had a good time!

Indigo said...

The 23thing sounds so cool! I can't believe that it connects ancestors.
Your blog looks very nice on my iPad btw, haven't decided if I'm keeping it yet though.