August 12, 2010

Thursday 13 Things I just don't get no matter how hard I try

  1. Toy dogs
  2. Veganism
  3. The NBA
  4. All-inclusive resort vacations
  5. People still eating aspartame and sucralose
  6. Biblical literalists
  7. Falafel
  8. Feeding an infant generic baby formula
  9. That sugared up carbs are considered an acceptable breakfast option
  10. Japanese cartoons
  11. Cilantro
  12. Skorts
  13. Tattoos


Indigo said...

Falafel = YUCK.

Anonymous said...

I agree with most. But I love toy dogs!


Bev Sykes said...

I never liked cilantro either until suddenly one day I absolutely LOVED it. I don't know what brought about the change.


jon said...


Let's assume they are correct. It is an elaborate scheme.
The person who had the foresight to publish Obama's birth announcement in the Honolulu paper the next day was extremely clever.
These people have really thought this thing out 50 years ahead.
Anyone with that much foresight should be president.

or...Maybe he was born in Hawaii.