October 14, 2010

Dear Younger Self:

A few blogs I've been reading recently have been talking about what you would say to your younger self.  And I've realized, that's quite a question!  But it's a great question.  One that I've been thinking a lot about.  And one that I decided if I thought about long enough, still made sense for the rest of my days.

After some thought, this is what I came up with:
  1. Don't give up on good friends. If they are truly good friends, they are also human, and will screw up royally.  They may even do "unforgivable" things. In the end, somehow, anyhow, make sure they're still your friends afterward, because you'll need them.
  2. Judge less and forgive more than you should. Even if someone doesn't deserve it. It just hurts too much and takes up too much space within you to hold onto the angst of the past most others don't even remember anyhow.
  3. Weddings, babies and funerals are the most important times in peoples lives. Do not miss one no matter what it takes to get there for those who matter most in your life. They may not remember the effort, but they will remember of lack of it if you're not there.
  4. Everything in life can be a "should of" and "could of", but the greatest stories come from the "been theres" and the "done thats".  So take a deep breath and just do it.  Follow your craziest dream. Ignore the voices of sensibility in your life, and get on that plane and jump off the cliff (literally and figuratively).
  5. Your parents, friends and family are smart.  Smarter than you will most often give them credit for.  But in the end, your life is your own, and if you think what they're saying isn't a right fit for you, see point 4.
  6. Health is precious.  While you have it, don't squander it.
  7. Don't go into debt on stupid stuff.
  8. Spend on experiences, not things. Fashion goes out of style quickly, and food is gone after you eat it, but memories and education are forever.
  9. Judge less. Love more. Share more of yourself. And always overdress.
  10. Don't let anyone treat you as less than you are.  That includes being underpaid. Always get exactly what you're worth.
  11. You're going to find your true love. So just take a deep breath and relax, already.
  12. Find a passion, and make it work for you. Make it your life. Don't be stuck in a crappy job you resent just because of the money. It'll make everyone around you miserable too. And in the end, you'll get more money by doing something you're good at.
  13. On the days when you feel your lowest, continue to build on the lot you've been given. Because no one will do it for you.  Just make sure you've got people that matter close by for support.


Mary Z said...

Your words ring true - even for those of us over 70.

Anonymous said...

Great post!!! Very good advice!


Mary said...

Hmmm - were you this smart when we were younger? (I think you were -maybe just not this organized :). Thanks for #3 - will have to spend a bit more effort on a few of those but it's a good reminder that they're important.

kathi said...

Great list, Jen! I wish I'd taken #12 to heart when I was still young enough to make it work. I have just one thing to tell my younger self: Wait to hear back from Stanford (I withdrew my application when I was accepted at Northwestern). It's never good to limit your options.

:: mingle ::

Anonymous said...

Hey Jen, I really loved this post. My younger self could have used these insights - and I know my present self can use them!

:: mingle ::