October 21, 2010

Moments in time

I take a lot of pictures.  In fact I'm taking pictures every day, whether I feel like it or not because I am doing this 365 project.  And some days just the thought of picking up my camera when I finally remember at 9 pm is exhausting.  But one thing I like about it is it has made me take notice of things around me a little closer.  And specifically, it's made me look at how quickly things change around me that I would normally let pass.

Like this picture.  I was out and about a week ago taking fall photos.  Yesterday I went to take more, because I had been thinking how I could improve on the shots I'd taken- only to find the vast majority of the leaves weren't on the trees anymore.  And the bridge over the ravine I'd been photographing- closed until someone can come up with the $1 million necessary for its repairs.  So those untaken shots will have to wait until next fall.

Sunrises, pink clouds, superman flights, a falling leaf - all things precious in the moment that will never be regained. All things I ignore too often, but am now taking notice of with my camera. And they are all things my child gets tired of me pointing out as we drive home from school.  ("Yes, Mom, the clouds are pink.  Can we talk about my Bakugan now?")  But maybe someday my attention to it will mean he'll better understand how precious each moment is too.


Candace said...

Beautiful photo you have here! Thanks so much for stopping by to see me. I was just telling my husband that same thing last night about the shots that I didn't take this past week. I left home without my camera and thought everyday that I should get a photo of the beautiful changing leaves on the 3 Bradford Pear trees on the way to work....and now the leaves are all gone. I hope you're having a great day! Candace

Anonymous said...

Pretty picture! Nice post!

Kwizgiver said...

What a lovely picture. You do take a lot of wonderful photos.
