November 11, 2010

Kinda tired

It's been one of those weeks in which I'm just trying to keep my head above water. A week where my to-do list seems to be growing faster than I can check things off it.  A week where I'm really pretty glad it's Thursday.

Part of the problem is we've been hacking and coughing all night, so I can barely keep my eyes awake during the day.  (It's also resulted in inventing a new house game out of the nightly horrible cough syrup downing ritual, one that has its own song and ritual of stuffed pet sheep rubbing along with loads of giggles, one that we're going to have to figure out how to transfer into another game once the cough syrup needs to get put away.)  So all that yawning and hacking has been great for my ability to finish a couple of projects at work, not to mention how awesome it is to sit in a meeting with me as I'm potentially losing a lung onto the table.

Another part of the equation is my child's social life far exceeds my ability to keep up.  He has 3 birthday parties to go to in the next 4 weeks; each more elaborate than the last.  The good news is C-man has specific ideas for each of them.  At least they're at the age where they know what each other is in to.  But whatever happened to cake and ice cream in someone's house?  Now we rent out the whole IMAX theater for special showings?  While fun, it's kind of stressful as a parent!

And while the rummage sale is over, the wrap up work seems to have no end.  The chairs have a meeting next week.  And then I'm going to stop returning emails or phone calls on the subject for a while.  A girl's got to have some limits, after all!

But the great news is that it is indeed Thursday.  One more work day, and it's weekend time.  No major events like rummage sales to run or zoo walks to complete.  Just dog park visits, grocery shopping, some laundry, and maybe a movie or 2.  (C-man has a birthday party, of course, but that's just a given.)  So I say, bring it on!


Mary Z said...

Indigo asked what do I find offensive that others might not. I should've answered these enormous birthday parties for children - definitely inappropriate IMO.

jon said...

I don't think cough syrup helps all that much. I am still hacking nightly. I kept my wife awake all night. she is not too happy about that.

Kwizgiver said...

I love the puppy picture--great big yawn!

I do hope you're feeling much better soon. The cough sounds painful.


Bev Sykes said...

Yeah...what Mary Z said! I do miss those days of being super-busy. Sort of.


Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon. Been draggin' here all week, figured DST has me off. Hope things calm down a bit for ya soon.