July 3, 2012

We pause this season for a holiday

Last night, the Yankees won their semifinals game. On top of the win, C-man went 2 for 2 with an RBI, so he was pretty pleased. But now, we rest for a few days for the holiday before the Friday night championship game.

I've been pretty hard on C-man lately, and I have had to make a conscious effort to let up. He's only 7 and he makes mistakes. And as a kid, he should be able to learn from them. He's learned a few things from older kids recently and has been trying them out. So I'm trying really, really hard to remember that fact and make sure that when he screws up, he learns from it so he doesn't do it again. So far, it's been much more fun for all of us.

We're skipping Milwaukee's fireworks tonight. After so many hot nights at the baseball field and being in the middle of a puffy finger experience, slogging down to the lake with a million of my best friends in the 90 degree heat doesn't sound all that great. We have a party with friends tomorrow, though, which will be great.

Enjoy your holiday, however you celebrate!

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