December 17, 2012

It's not just the camera

When I am taking photos, at some point or another someone will make a comment, "Well, it's because she has such a nice camera."

For the record, I'd like to point out that this potentially fantastic photo was taken by my camera. But obviously with a good Samaritan on the other end of the lens.

People, I have a nice camera. And good lenses, which I will never deny help the cause. (I mean, come on, buying a perfect, new piece of glass is a high all to itself, and I highly recommend it.) But seriously? Look at this blurry vision of yellow nonsense. It's not just the camera. Just sayin'.


l'empress said...

It's not just the camera. The subjects are great. Don't let anyone kid you.

Mary Z said...

It's never the camera. It's the eye and brain of the camera operator!