January 9, 2014

Thirteen bullets of random

  1. I had my first pilates barre class last night.
  2. I've always thought I was a graceful ballerina.
  3. Standing in front of mirrors with a barre in front of me for an hour was a rude awakening to the contrary.
  4. I have been sleeping really terribly lately. I'm up all night. It really sucks when by noon, all I want to do is go to sleep on my desk.
  5. Now that Christmas is over, I need to figure out C-man's valentines.
  6. Damn you, Pinterest for not making the $4 box of Star Wars Valentines good enough anymore.
  7. Last week I bought a new pair of winter boots. My old ones were about 9 years old, and the sole was coming off, so it was time. But I was being cheap. But cold wet feet at the dog park are unacceptable.
  8. We just got through a double digit negative spell, and I was walking on a frozen lake, and I loved them.
  9. I only realized today that Zappos sent me these instead of the ones I actually ordered. Now I have a dilemma...
  10. I need to take skiing lessons while C-man is doing his skiing lessons. I was going to do it Saturday, but I am feeling really awful arthritis-wise. The weather forecast is supposed to be really tolerable though, so I think I just need to bite the bullet.
  11. The Northern Lights are supposed to be visible tonight. There was a shot of them appearing last night, but I was too tired to go check. Here's hoping I'm better about it tonight.
  12. I sent in my life insurance renewal money today. I always feel weird about that check.
  13. It's cookie day at work today. Things are looking up.

1 comment:

Mary Z said...

I don't envy you the cold winters, but I would dearly love to be able to see the Northern Lights relatively frequently.