January 3, 2014

To each moment

It seems all my photos are in black and white lately, even though they aren't. It's the time of year when the sun is low and the gray sky reflects more gray. I am trying desperately to not let it affect my mood, as it so often does. It's always this time of year when I lament not jetting us away to the land of the sunny for a while. (But then I remember I need a kitchen this summer and quickly put those thoughts aside.)

To keep myself happy, I'm reading more. That always helps. I'm also considering how I can do some creative writing again, too. It's really been a long time since I've done that, and it always inspires my creative, happy mind. (Work used to be an outlet for that in so many respects, but has changed so much that it just isn't anymore. [I'm hoping the recent positive work changes will rectify that. Yea!])

In the meantime, I am going to try my hardest to enjoy the quiet that this slower time of year brings, and try to find any happiness I can in it. You know, enjoy the moment.

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