February 3, 2014

Weather talk makes me miserable

As winter continues, people continue to complain about it. Just so that summer can come, and they can complain about that. I'm so tired of it. Weather talk totally bores me. But even if it didn't, it's so rarely brought up to point out the good things. It's brought up as a reason to blather on about bad things, which ultimately lead to rants of more bad things.

I can't take the negativity.

I could dwell on the cold and the seemingly endless grey. But it's winter. I live in Wisconsin. Where it snows. A lot. And it's cold. Really cold. I don't like the low-slung sun barely cresting the horizon day after day either, but I'm choosing to not dwell on it. Instead, I'm enjoying the happy and hungry squirrels as they approach my window to gobble up the seed I've placed for them. I'm loving the softness of the sound as the snow comes down. I'm adoring how much C-man has gotten into skiing. I think it's awesome how Harry presses himself up against the windows in attempt to get colder and dives in the snow when he's outside.

But to just discuss the weather? Meh. Turn on the weather channel and then move on. And let me spend the rest of my day enjoying what it brings.

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