December 1, 2014

It was a bad weekend

About 12 hours after Thanksgiving, the stomach virus hit the house. Ours, and all the others who attended the festivities. C-man started with the aching and headache and vomiting and more aching and screaming headache. 12 hours later, it was my turn. And 12 hours after that, it was Beerman's turn. We watched so much football, I started to lose track. I think I even watched the Chargers play. If I wasn't so delirious already, I would have lost my mind.

So I stayed home from work today. I just don't have the stamina to do anything. Beerman made C-man go to school. He's probably okay, being a kid and all. But I tried to throw some laundry in and got lightheaded, so am glad I wimped out. Beerman, of course, went to work.

It's been a couple of rough weeks at the Rysewyk's. But it's December now. We're starting on a new note. Right after I nap it out.

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