October 27, 2014

On happiness

Mondays are hard when you're not living your passion. My trouble is I don't feel like I know what my passion really is anymore. Once upon a time, it was writing and creating. Now I'm a middle manager, managing people. And that's all well and fine, but there's all sorts of political corporate bullshit sprinkled in the middle - work some people thrive on. I do not. Like a living, breathing version of Office Space.

My real problem is I can't think of something else I'd rather do other than sit home and hug my dog. And since that doesn't pay the mortgage, I continue on, mostly uninspired. And I don't like being uninspired. I think some of it is the intense pain I've been in lately. Some of it is the intense schedule we've been living. And then there's drag of not having a house to really live in with this kitchen remodel hell. (I totally made the wrong decision in choosing a kitchen over Morocco.) And I'm all fat and stuff.

As C-man says, I just need to pull myself together. Find some sunshine - proverbial or real, and make this happen. Because being unhappy sucks.

1 comment:

l'empress said...

That C-man is no dope. He must have good parents!