October 22, 2014

Thursday thirteen on Wednesday

  1. Beerman comes home from Memphis tonight.
  2. C-man has his penultimate football practice tonight. He's so sad it's coming to an end.
  3. He has school pictures today. (Something I'd forgotten about until 8 p.m. last night. And since he's a uniform kid, we had to run out and buy a decent shirt that isn't a jersey and fit!) He practiced his smile all the way to school.
  4. I solved my Dropbox issue of parents thieving my source file photos instead of copying them by shutting down their access to 'view only'. (They weren't adding any anyway!) I had to upgrade my account, but that's okay, too. i needed the space.
  5. I ordered a rental camera lens for the weekend's game to try out. (Sigma 50 - 500) I only have a lens that goes to 300 mm, so am curious to see what I can do with a 500 mm. You know, purely for research purposes.
  6. This being my first football season, it's been a real learning curve on how to get the good shots and angles. I'll be much better at it next year.
  7. I'm going to have to wait another week to get to my bees. I have to read in church Sunday morning, and then it's trick-or-treating. The good news is it's supposed to be warm next week
  8. Trick or Treat is this weekend. Wow, did THAT happen quickly.
  9. Next weekend, I'm planning on going to the bees and doing a full winterizing mode on them. I don't think I'm going to do a whole lot - drill an upper entrance into the boxes so they can get out if the snow covers the bottom, put a fence up to break some of the wind, and take the feeders off if the boxes are full of honey.
  10. I'm also thinking of placing some tarp on the ground to kill the grass so I have room for another hive or two in the spring. You know, just in case I end up expanding this operation.
  11. If you haven't already signed up to walk at the Jingle Bell Walk, there's still time!
  12. I have almost everything ready for this year's Christmas card photo. I really wanted to do a normal, smiling family photo. But the others in the house were anti-normal. Alas.
  13. I went to McDonalds for coffee on my way to work today post-dental visit. I had no idea they were still doing Monopoly. Wasn't that ruled a scam like a decade ago? And they're still running it?

1 comment:

Mary Z said...

I don't know if you've said, but would you mind telling us how you happened to decide to raise bees/make honey?