September 3, 2007

Do I have to go to work tomorrow?

Ish. I could use another week off. I think I should get one, considering our week off blew. The wedding was beautiful yesterday. I confirmed that I can't drink at all anymore, though. I feel ill with just one drink. Damnit! So that made it kind of not fun, since I was feeling ill after one Miller Lite and all. We went shopping for a new GPS today. I've decided I want an exterior antennae, color and downloadable capabilities. Getting C-man out of Cabela's was an interesting sport. ("Mommy! Look at that BIG FISH!") Getting him out of McDonalds playland was an even bigger job. His face broke out in a rash after eating the raw apples though. He didn't complain, but it's all rough and red where the apples touched. Great. He's got Beerman's food allergies. Enjoy your day off. Solidarity forever.

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