May 11, 2018


It's been one of those non-stop rain days. One of those days when there's no denying the impact arthritis has on my life. But today, I'm grateful. Because I did not have to get up with the sun to feed the dog, get myself ready in some presentable clothes that didn't send my skin aching further, and head out for an entire day of pretending to not be in complete agony. I didn't have to put a forced grin on my face, that I know in reality is more of a grimace than anything resembling a grin. I didn't have to try to listen intently to something inane I didn't care about over this noisy pain. I didn't HAVE to do anything at all.

Instead, I slept a bit longer than usual. I hugged my dog a little bit more. And while I puttered around the house getting some of the usual cleaning stuff done, I didn't feel bad about watching two Longmire episodes instead of just that laundry folding one. And so, I know I need to head out to get a birthday gift and a Bar Mitzvah card for C-man's busy life, it doesn't feel overwhelming.

So, so grateful. And so thankful for this time. It really is healing me in so many ways.

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