June 6, 2007

Let Me Tell You A Ting or Tree

I haven't watched the Sopranos all season, because I have rabbit ears. I know dark ages. Anyhow, I've been in a hotel room with HBO, which is showing the Sopranos every night. So I watched this week's show. And I've got to say, I hate how this is going. Poo! The Georgia Aquarium was AMAZING! Just when I thought I'd seen the coolest thing, we'd go to the next exhibit and see something more incredible. I could spend days in that place. If you ever get the chance, spend some time there. It was really well done. I'm scared. The tests that turned up really abnormal just weren't good ones. And tomorrow they're taking more blood for more tests to confirm the first ones and find out the causes. What are THOSE going to show? I guess I should be glad that they're showing something because I knew things were seriously wrong, which is why I went in the first place. But I'm really scared. Why couldn't it just have been a thyroid problem that a little pill would fix? Sigh... I never do anything less than dramatic, I'm told. Why would this be any different? I'm heading home today. It'll be good to be home.

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