August 1, 2013


I am feeling totally bedraggled. That's a word they always use in the cheesy romancey, Harlequiney-type books. She was breathless and bedraggled. Except it's usually after some bodice-ripping episode that includes phrases like heaving globes and hitching breath. I'm unfortunately not that kind of bedraggled. I'm the kind that is tired and incoherent and kind of useless to do anything productive.

It could be the weather. It could be what I'm eating. But I'm pretty sure it's the new medicine I'm on. I am totally tired, to the point that I didni't know I couldn't stop hitting snooze. And I am starving constantly. Two days ago, I had the most massive craving for rice pudding. Seriously, what kind of a craving is that? I mean, I like rice pudding, but it's hardly even a semi-regular thing in my diet. But the craving was so bad, I had to take deep breaths at my desk and not run screaming out of the office until I found some. Okay, that's a little dramatic. But it's totally what I was desiring most in my head, at least.

Knowing my cravings were crazy, we had a pudding party at the house as we sat outside under the eaves and watched the rain pour down. I had rice pudding, Beerman had tapioca, and C-man had Oreo. It was so bad that while Beerman was out buying said puddings, I made my own rice pudding for later. You know, because one container of store-bought rice pudding would NOT be enough.

So you get the picture. Bedraggled. Out of sorts. I need to stick with this medicine more than a week, but if this craziness doesn't change, I'm going back to being on nothing. Because in this case, nothing truly is better than something!

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