February 12, 2007

Monday Madness

Today was CRAZY! I should have known when I went to put on a brand new necklace and the beads dropped on the floor in front of me, bouncing everywhere. Yikes! I got a note from C-man's daycare explaining that if we wanted to give Valentines, we could do so. This was accompanied by a list of everyone's name who is in the class. Don't these people know I'm a working mom and don't have time for this shit? That's why my kid's in daycare! Thankfully we already purchased some Bob the Builder valentines. Unfortunately Harrybones ate the envelopes. I guess I'll have to buy some small envelopes tomorrow and some chotshky to throw in them. Ugh. I know my life doesn't really suck, but my life sucks. Why aren't I backpacking in India? Beerman is at work again all night. I realize he's a hero in his work circle (people were actually taking their pictures with him on Sunday like he's a celebrity), but I'm getting more than a bit exhausted. Maybe I wouldn't be so ornery if I weren't coughing up a lung. It's officially been a month now that I've been sick... one thing to the other, but all of it painful. Okay, enough bitching. 24 is on in 30 minutes, and until then I've got a great Bob the Builder to watch.

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