October 6, 2012

A day of giggles and love

After a morning football game, of which C-man excitedly got to be the quarterback the whole game, we took the train to Chicago. I don't know what I loved more - watching him run into the train station pillar between # 9 and 10, desperately hoping to find 9 3/4; his giggles as the Egyptian cab driver raced through the streets like it was Cairo; his carefully selecting his new Hero from the Lego store; his careful selection of a WondervWoman keychain for me; his amazement of the view from the top of the John Hancock building; building the entire Bionicle in McDonalds; how he held my hand as we crossed busy streets; or his red cheeks at being tired from the day as we boarded the train. Ahhhh, a really good day with my baby love.

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