February 5, 2013

Things that make me smile

  • Sometimes seeing something totally unexpected amidst the daily grind, like a bright tennis ball up in the trees, is enough to make me smile.
  • So is C-man's excitement at going to math tutoring with his friends tonight is contagious.
  • I also enjoy Harry hiding his bone all around the house, and last night, his favorite hiding place happened to be under my bum on the couch.
  • And while I was tired, I smiled last night after finishing an hour-long run and not wanting to die. (I'm still not liking it, but it wasn't the worst thing ever)
  • Listening to C-man practice his play part and songs when he thinks I'm not in earshot.
  • Seeing the beautiful, fluffy snow fall down makes me smile. It means it's warmer than it has been, plus it's absolutely peaceful and serene.
  • Hearing C-man and Beerman race to the kitchen each morning. C-man miraculously always still wins.

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