September 14, 2006

Is It Really Only Thursday?

Having to be in Detroit all week is making this week move soooooo slowly. I miss my C-man and Beerman very much. Tuesday night I did do something I've never done before - went and saw a movie on my own. I saw Little Miss Sunshine. It's full of such morbid humor that I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes during parts of it. Good thing there were only 4 other people in the theater. There are loads of f-bombs in the movie, so leave the kids at home. But once you get past that, it's hilarious! It goes on my highly recommends list. Last night my boss and I went to Eileen Fisher in Somerset Mall. Nice! ____________ Today was another thrilling one. Me taking notes on a course that I wrote, as asshats who don't know how to train stood up in front of a group and pontificated on each point as if they knew what they were doing. At one point, they proclaimed, "Who is Malcom Knowles?" I could have cried. Then I lost my cool and went a bit batshit crazy. Then I calmly stood up and introduced Malcolm Knowles to be the grandfather of adult learning and education, and without his theories, there would be no official field of adult learning and the theory of androgy. These people are supposed to be trainers?!? It makes me so sad. I can't wait to move to a new job in which there are teams of trainers - real frickin' trainers - not just people who call themselves trainers. Sorry about this rant, but it's like me calling myself an architect because I know what a Roman Column is. Or a chef because I can cook coq au vin. Or a racecar driver because I can drive a minivan. Grrrr!!! On a good note, I had some Tim Horton's coffee and donuts today. (No chunky chicken sandwich for me. I still can't bring myself to order that!) Another goodie is that I'm going home on the 3:30 flight tomorrow. I. Can't. Wait.

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