April 16, 2007

Monday, Monday - dah-dah, dah-dah-dah

Mom and Dad left this morning. It was a good weekend overall. My house is in one piece, the nasty neighbor next door hasn't complained since (he was convinced our tree coming down on our driveway was somehow going to destroy his yard), and I got more sleep last night than normal. So I've got that going for me. On the topic of sleep, I think C-man must have trained me to be a horrible sleeper now. Every night, I wake up several times. Drat. Somehow I've got to break out of that nasty habit. It's having an effect on my wrinkles... big time. And no amount of Tri-Aktiline is going to fill those in. By the way, I highly recommend the stuff if you can get your hands on some. On the topic of nasty neighbors, I've decided I like most of our neighbors. We've got Phil across the street. He's about 5' 9" and 275 lbs of sveltness that he likes to show without his shirt in the summer while mowing the lawn. I try not to throw up. But they're good people. Then we've got the next door neighbors to the south. He's Taiwanese, she's Jewish. I don't think they've ever done a home improvement project by themselves. I don't know if I'm horrified or jealous of that. But they're good people, and have a 2 1/2 year old son who is sweet. Across the street we have a couple who never speak to us. Although, Beerman plowed out their driveway this winter, so I think we've made some neighborly headway. At least we know their names and occupations. Down the street is Darryl and his wife. They're always good to stop by on their walks and complain about what the village hasn't been doing right. I enjoy it immensely. And then there's the neighbor to the north. She picks weeds out of her grass by hand, married a Texan who complains about the eco-liberals and their coal plant bashing selves (um, did he not see my yard signs during the election?), and put up a Bush-Cheney sign during the last election. I guess one bad apple isn't a nightmare, but sheesh... In good news, Gonzales goes in front of the firing squad tomorrow. I'm half considering staying home to watch the spectacle.

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