June 9, 2010

School's Out... For... Sum-mer!

I can hardly believe it, but today C-man completes his first full year of school; a Catholic school no-less.  His first year of computers and art and cooking and music.  His first year of waiting for (usually while riding his scooter) the bus.  The same bus, whose first giant step he could barely make it up on the first day; and now he practically jumps on and races to the very last seat so he can ride the bumps. (Who are these 8th graders that let a K4 kid get the back seat?!?) During this year, he's grown 2.5 inches and gained a whopping 10 pounds. But he's also gained so much more.  He's made a whole new group of friends.  His vocabulary has expanded (which includes the appropriately placed "damnit" when he lost a game the other day, but we'll ignore that for now). And just the overall maturity he's gained in comparison to 9 months ago is indescribable.

It's always bittersweet to see him growing older, but I've never been a mom who wanted him to stay a certain age or stage. Because each step he takes and each thing he learns is more exciting than the last for me too.  So right now,  I'm going to enjoy our long weekend together, and be really thankful for the child who blesses our lives every day.  And come Monday, he's back to the Lutherans.

1 comment:

Indigo said...

He's really grown over the school year! We've got three more days of school here.