In February, I took a work trip to Winchester, VA, and learned some Civil War history from the losing side's perspective.
We also went to a circus at C-man's urging. I felt about it kind of like this clown looks. But we did it and don't need to go again.
In March, we got ourselves a 7 year old. It is amazing to me how young he looks just these few months later.
And in April, we welcomed the Easter bunny to the house. He brought a new bike, which got loads of use all summer and fall.
We also took a spring break trip to Mall of America, and had fun hanging out with some cousins.
In April, I celebrated my birthday a bit early with some family and friends at a Brewers game. The Brewers lost, but that wasn't our fault. And I had a great time anyway.
In May, I had my real birthday, and turned 36.
It was also the opening weekend of Yankees baseball season.
Then there was Mothers Day. We spent it by having a great day picnicking and geocaching at Lion's Gorge.
And then I spent our 11th anniversary running the school plant sale. We also took C-man with us to see the Avengers. 11 wasn't as momentous as 10, but still lovely.

In June, C-man gladly ended first grade.
And we enjoyed the amazingly nice weather frog catching at the local nature preserve.
We also celebrated Fathers Day with some low-key fun at a local park.
And of course, there was lots and lots more baseball.
In the theme of baseball, July brought us an undefeated Yankees championship team.
And I took a trip to Boston for work and had a nice chat with a homeless man who was concerned for my health.
I also finally got my new car, which we then dubbed the Brewberry. I have new Brewers plates to prove it.
August started with a long weekend trip to St. Louis. We saw the Brewers lose again. And again, it wasn't our fault. But it was a really fun weekend going to see caves and to City Museum and riding up the arch.
Back at home, we found the local festivals, Irish Fest this time.
And then we went to Phillips, Wisconsin for a week in the woods on Wilson lake. We ate s'mores, fished, caught frogs, kayaked, gathered eggs from the chickens, and had an overall lovely time.
In September, C-man went to second grade. And then we celebrated another successful Fall Fest at the house, complete with about 40 people playing Capture the Flag, eating flaming cheese, watching Percy Jackson, and sharing lots of laughs.
In October, C-man and I took a quick afternoon trip to Chicago for fun so we could go up the John Hancock building and visit the Lego store.
We also spent a whole day at Holy Hill together. Unfortunately, it rained all day.
October was filled with fun football again. A game winning touchdown made it just that much better.
In November, we jingled around the zoo for the Arthritis Foundation.
Voted for the good guy.
And lost even more teeth.
In December, C-man made his first reconciliation with Nana and Grandpa graciously here for the event.
We trekked to Winter to Christmas with the Pelots. Kyle and I were the undefeated Polish Shuffleboard champions. (I'm still looking for our trophy. I am sure it is on its way.)
We celebrated Beerman's birthday with a nice dinner out.
And C-man discovered he really loves Judo.
We innagurated the first snowfall of the season by building "Snowy".
C-man miraculously decided to get his hair cut.

We celebrated Christmas in Chippewa.
And then, of course, we celebrated Christmas at home.
And tonight, we will ring in the new year surrounded by great friends.
While not every day this year has brought us tremendous joy, as there were a few health scares I'd rather not repeat, the year as a whole definitely has been one I am tremendously thankful for. My prayer for this coming year is that you are as blessed, healthy, and loved as we were this past year.