June 14, 2013

Let's get this summer started

This morning, I put my child on the bus for his last day two hours of 2nd grade. (2 hours!? What the heck?) A bittersweet day for C-man - saying goodbye to a teacher he's liked, but more importantly, to his very best friend who is leaving the state after school today. But he's happy because he's an 8 year old boy who is almost on summer vacation.

This school year seemed to fly by so much faster than the others. Work was a bit insane for me, and I felt like I totally lost 3 months of my life. 3 months of that little toothless smile. What a shame.

So now we move into summer. Those happy, sunny, warm days when the craziness is about it being fun and not about having to get homework done or being somewhere at any specific time. Instead, it's about needing to do laundry because the clothes are all dirty from playing on the beach or sliding into too many bases.

Ahhh... I've been waiting for this.

1 comment:

l'empress said...

Now is the time for your boy to learn about the joys of letter writing. It doesn't have to be a chore. It is a good skill to have, especially when most of the world can't do it any more.