November 6, 2013


Yesterday, I caught myself making the dog's dinner, emptying the dishwasher, responding to a work email, and helping C-man with his homework - simultaneously. This concept of multitasking has gotten so out of control, I can't seem to focus on just one thing anymore. I know it's not good for me, mentally or physically. It certainly doesn't help me do anything any better. But I just can't seem to stop. What makes it worse is that everything, including my heart, seems to be racing a million miles and hour and doesn't want to slow down. It isn't thrilling like an addiction, but it has become just a way of life. I wake up at night, frantic about something I haven't remembered to do. I wake up in the morning, exhausted at all the things on my list I need to accomplish. And yet, I still can't seem to stop.

I need to focus. And instead of making it one more thing on the list, I need to figure this out. More reading, less garbage time, less TV. More exercise, less sitting, less eating garbage.

Time to find an inspiration. Time to make things feel more fulfilling. Time to find some happiness.

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