December 2, 2013

Wanted: Christmas Spirit

It's back to work day. Ugh. Our week-ish off was a mostly good one. We saw Catching Fire and C-man and I went to the First Stage's version of "Best Christmas Pageant Ever". (I even teared up when Imogene started to sing in the play.) Unfortunately, Beerman spent way too much time tending to the fish tank. All the fish are disasterously sick - we've lost 2 of the 4, with Mr. Pickles not looking good at all and no longer eating. And nothing he seems to be doing (which is a whole lot) is helping. Sigh... Kind of awful.

The good news, however, is that I don't have a full work week through the end of the year. I went St. Nick's shopping yesterday. (Now if the gnomes could just finish all the other stuff, considering I have a family Christmas to participate in this weekend!) So that's done. As is the gift for the Cub Scout event Friday. I got most of the lights up outside, too.

I find so it frustrating that it's only the 2nd, and yet I feel such pressure for it all to be decorated, wrapped, baked, and ready. When really, this week, I'm just thankful I remembered to bring out the Advent Calender. At least the cards are ordered.


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