March 31, 2007
Sicker than Dawgs
March 30, 2007
It's Friday! It's Friday! It's Friday!
March 29, 2007
One more day...
March 28, 2007
Is tomorrow Friday?
March 27, 2007
Is it really only Tuesday?
March 26, 2007
Monday Funday
My kid is finally online from his weatherkid debut. Pretty darned adorable, if I do say so myself. And since it's my blog, I can say these things.
Sunday I went to Bayshore and got a new outfit from Talbots on a screaming sale, and got new underwear from Victoria's Secret. Nothing like a good fitting bra and cute little undies to put a smile on your face.
Since Kansas lost, I'm done with my basketball pool. There's $10 down the shitter. It's time for baseball to start. We've got tickets to the April 20th Brewers vs. Astros game. It should be fun.
C-man's getting better, but still not completely over the hump. Hence, I got little sleep last night. I'm dying today.
The good news is I've lost a few pounds on this miserable diet. Maybe by summer I'll be presentable.
24 is on tonight. Have I mentioned that I'm in love with Jack Bauer? Enjoy!
March 25, 2007
Spring has Sprung
- Housekeeper
- Babysitter for a long weekend in August so Beerman and I can go to Napa Valley
- Herb gardening tools (wagon, herbs, cute cutters, cute gloves, etc.)
- Dumpster to throw half of the crap in my house out
- Spa appointment to get fabulous new hair, makeup, tips and toes
- Talbots or Loft clothes (I know, it's a sort-of competitor, but I can't help it)
- New mattress
- New sheets for my king bed
- New couch
As I think of more, I'll add them, of course. Feel free to start buying now.
March 24, 2007
Happy Birthday Riley!
March 23, 2007
March 22, 2007
Sick Kid
March 21, 2007
Happy Birthday C-man!
March 20, 2007
Vernal Equinox
March 19, 2007
There is no PH in that Fat.
March 18, 2007
Sunday Errands
March 16, 2007
Happy Hermit
March 15, 2007
What Day is It?
March 13, 2007
Things I learned on vacation
- When on vacation with Beerman, expect to meet the local authorities at least once.
- When renting a vehicle in Florida, get the insurance. They're crazy and rear-end happy. If you don't believe me, see #1.
- Spring break just isn't cool when you're not in college anymore. Woo-hoooo!
- When away from your child, you miss him terribly. When reunited with him, he wears you out so much you wonder why you didn't spend 3 more days at the beach. But then you remember being a #3 and deal with it.
- I now know why all the episodes of Cops are filmed in Florida. Let's just leave it at that.
- When you leave your child with Grandma and Grandpa, expect him to leave them addicted to chocolate milk and apple juice.
- Chocolate milk stains clothes.
- For a 2 year old, traveling 40 minutes to an oceanside beach is not better than just digging in the dirt under Grandpa's stairs at the cabin.
- People in the south decorate with some pretty racist decor. I never did learn why it's acceptable decor, but it is pretty weird.
- People who win the lottery and go back to work should be forced to give their money back. When I'm away from work, I don't miss it one bit.
- Leaving items in your shorts pocket while on the beach is a bad idea. The people who comb the beach with their metal detectors are sure to get your watch before you.
- The Dixie flag just never seems to go out of style in some places.