December 1, 2011

Random Thursday Thirteen

  1. I knitted an owl hat last night for a coworker's shower this morning. The nursery is all owls, so I thought it appropriate. I remembered to take a picture as I was wrapping it up. I think it turned out pretty well for a mostly made up pattern in my head.
  2. It made me remember why I like knitting baby stuff so much. Instant gratification of starting and finishing a project in one night!
  3. Tonight is the Moscow Ballet's Nutcracker. I'm so excited. Yea for girl stuff!
  4. The official Advent calendar was opened today. He has the Lego Star Wars one, which means he'll be building a Lego each morning. Or as Beerman put it, "Breakfast is going to be delayed for the next 25 days."
  5. While Beerman is getting ready Friday night, I'll be taking on the Cub Scout den leader duties. Lord help me, but I'm going to do make your own instrument night.
  6. I keep looking for a good volunteer activity to do with C-man. He's a pretty sensitive kid who I know would appreciate helping others. The problem is most places that need the help don't allow kids. And picking a name off a tree somewhere just doesn't cut it.
  7. My Christmas cards are out, which means most people should be getting them today and tomorrow. I really love Christmas cards. It might be my favorite thing of the season.
  8. I finally saw the Breaking Dawn movie. I thought the book was weak, but the movie did a good job of it. I still don't think it needs to be 2 movies, though.
  9. I was so excited to see Bella's wedding dress. Maybe between Princess Kate's dress and Bella's, the strapless craze that has been around forever and shouldn't be worn by most will finally see a welcome end.
  10. Harry has finally stopped exploding everywhere. Oh my, am I tired of cleaning the floors. I think the farm was just too much for him this year.
  11. I've finally stopped coughing. I'm still a little snot-headed, but it's tolerable. Thank God.
  12. I am drying some herbs from my garden above some other houseplants, because there's room there. Beerman noticed them hanging and said, "Is this some kind of lesson to the other plants in the house?" Makes me giggle every time I think about it.
  13. I have tomorrow off to get ready for family Christmas on Saturday. Yippee!


Snowcatcher said...

You did an awesome job on that hat, particularly because it was impropmtu! The best kind! Love the herbs story, too!

Anonymous said...

Cute hat! lol on hanging plants.