September 29, 2008

Go Brewers Go!

The last time the Brewers won the opportunity to go into October, I was 6. Back then, air conditioning in a house was considered a luxury we didn’t need. And that summer was hot. So we trooped to the backyard under the elm tree to watch Brewers games on the 13” TV, powered from “the barn” with a thick yellow paper mill electrical cord. Sometimes I’d watch, sitting on the grass next to my dad, who was in one of those striped lawn chairs with the webbing that was always breaking apart, and holding a Coors (since for some odd reason that was his summer of drinking Coors). Other times I’d play on the tire swing or hang upside down from the rings while still listening to the game. And then they won. I remember the players jumping up and down and the craziness that ensued. Specifically what I remember seeing on that little black and white television is now so melded with the images I’ve seen millions of times since, I'm not sure what is memory and what is replay. But I do remember my Dad whooping really loud. And I remember my mom looking at me and excitedly telling me they won. And I remember thinking, “Yea – more nights in the backyard with the TV.” And this week... we're planning on watching all the games outside on our big screen in the gazebo. Go Brewers Go!

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