November 3, 2009

Self-justifying stories

Maybe it's because I teach groups on the topic and am on the lookout for it. But lately, I've been hearing so many self-justifying stories, I could smack someone upside the head. And THAT would be justified. I'm talking about those stories people tell that justify their choices or bad behavior. Sometimes they're little. Sometimes they're big. But they always add up. So I have to ask, do these people really believe the story they're telling me as to WHY that HAS to happen? Why they HAD to be such a jerk? Why THEY were more important than me? Why THEIR time is more important than mine? Why they have to have it this way because it would inconvenience THEM to do it any other way? Go sell your crap somewhere else. Because I'm calling "bullshit" on all of it.

1 comment:

Kwizgiver said...

It must be something in the water because I've had the same situations lately.
