October 25, 2010


I haven't had much to say lately.  No deep thoughts.  No real ponderings.  Mostly, because I've been in the pit of hell, pain-wise.  Which makes it all a bit of a blur.  And here I sit with a million to-dos in my personal life, professional life, and this school rummage sale that can't get over with fast enough.

I'm going to stop complaining now, but wanted to explain the randomness of the posts lately.  Here's to the rain leaving us quickly!
Funny quote of the weekend - We went to get C-man's hair cut.  At one point, I looked up from my book and noticed she was cutting it pretty darned short.  As we left, I told C-man his hair looked nice, to which he replied, "I had to say "OW!" to get her to stop, because if she kept cutting it, I was going to be bald!"


Snowcatcher said...

Oh, man! I love the C-man story! That's a keeper!

I feel for you and the pain. I get the same way in winter. Love winter, but sometimes it lasts too long. Wish we both could just go a few days without!!!

Unknown said...

Rain, wind, tired of it all and now they say some snow on Thursday, lol. He looks pretty fast and overwhelmed - I kinda feel that way too, lol.

jon said...

Just keep it up with the good photos.

I have to be in a good mood to write. I cannot put a smile on someone's face if i don't have a smile on my face.