October 1, 2010

On what has to be about the 4th Friday this week...

  • This might have been one of the longest weeks of my life. Just sayin'.
  • What has our world come to when Rolls Royces are getting recalled?
  • I've been really uninspired with the photography lately.  My only shot yesterday was a mistake and it turned out pretty bad. I need to get my mojo back.
  • C-man crawled into our bed at 3:30 this morning and kindly put his icy cold toes on my back. Getting back to sleep after that took a while. (Nevermind that he was snoring almost instantaneously). Then I forgot my coffee in my car.  Needless to say, I'm really tired today.
  • A cold front moved in. My fingers are so red and fat, they truly could be mistaken for sausages. It'd be comical if it weren't so stinking painful.
  • Seeing my breath while we wait for the bus is not something I enjoy.
  • Speaking of the cold, I truly don't get the people who talk about feeling renewed by Fall. It's cold. Things are dying. What's renewing about that?
  • I think it's time to turn on my SAD light again.
  • The Milwaukee Marathon is this Sunday. I am always so inspired by those who run it, since I max out at 5k. (Run, Kim, Run!)
  • I'd really like to go to the Horicon Marsh one of these days to see the birds. I think the bigger migration happens later in the month, but you'll note the earlier point about hating to see my breath. I think it needs to happen sooner rather than later.
  • Now that the colors are starting to happen in the tree, I also need to get up to the top of Holy Hill. We have a few weeks before peak color, though, so I have some time to get my butt over there. It's one of my favorite places.
  • My shameless annual appeal was yesterday, but my link to the Jingle Bell Walk will continue to be up on the right side of this blog.  You can join the team up to November 6th (it gets more expensive after October 18th) and donate to the cause until the end of November.
  • It's the annual magazine sale time at C-man's school.  (Haven't gotten your magazines? I'll be happy to email you the link). The first turn-in was this week and he came home with a whole bag full of crap prizes.  After all, who doesn't need a pen that is also a manual shredder for paper that's only 2" wide?
  • Beerman has gotten a brilliant idea to throw a Harvest Fest later this month complete with games, food, and an outdoor movie. He's got tents and heaters on order. Now if someone can make my house not look like such a dump...
  • My glasses broke, and I need to figure out how to get them to the eye doctor today.
  • My eye doctor is next to my chiropractor. Maybe I'll try to get in there too and give myself a boost for the weekend!


Anonymous said...

Harvest fest? Beer? Food? games? Where do I sign up?
I will show up a day early and straighten up your place.
I am a wondeful little homemaker. My wife works, I do the housework.

I will need a vacuum, cleaning rags, garbage bags, febreze, do you have carpet, hardwood floors, vinyl floors?
You have a washer, dryer, dishwasher. I like Tide for laundry,
I don't mow lawns.
Alrighty then....
I'm packing.

Indigo said...

I'm going to do my best! Bring your camera, I have a feeling your pics will turn out better than anything I can get on my iPhone. I'll brush my hair right before I run by. ;)