November 14, 2010

Finding Faith

Faith is a really important part of life. And I don't mean just a faith in God, although that is where many people, including me, find a lot of it.  I also mean having a faith in the goodness in people. Or in the beauty of nature.  Or of the love of others.

But however we find faith, I've decided that we all need to believe in something.  Because an absence of a true belief in something good or better than the current circumstances makes life just too narrow, too abysmal, to do without it.

I can go for days, weeks, months, heck, even years without thinking about the concept of faith and what I really believe in much.  And then, out of nowhere, my eyes are opened to something that challenges and shakes me so deeply, that I need to go back to the foundations of my beliefs and ask if that's really what I still believe.  And if I do, do I have the strength and courage to act on it?

Recently, I've found myself in the middle of one of those times.  And I've realized that the idea of faith hasn't been at the forefront of my mind the way it should have been.  Guess it's time to go back to the basics.

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