November 5, 2010

Quick reset

Yesterday morning, on my way to meet a friend, I jumped out of the car into the freezing cold (not an exaggeration, it was 32 degrees F), ran to the edge of the lake, snapped a few pictures while the crazy wind whipped my hair into a frenzy, and then ran back into my car. The car that may or may not have heat, depending on its mood. (Grrr... This vehicle is such a POS. I had to have the air conditioning replaced last year, and then had to fight with Chrysler to get them to pay for it after they decided to recall it. Now it's the heat that's the problem. Not to mention, I look like a complete dork in it. I am never buying another one of these horrible things again. Never. Ever. Ever.)
But all that's beside the point. The point here is, it was all done in a mad dash.  But I still did it.  I chose to turn my car into the parking lot, parked, and ran out to get photos of the sunrise.  Because it mattered.  Because I needed that brief minute of cold air on my skin and crazy wind in my hair. My photos weren't spectacular.  And that's okay.  Because it was about that quick reset of my brain that was running crazy on a thousand things, none of which I could have done anything about at that moment in time.  And instead, I started laughing once I realized I must have looked like a damn fool out there racing around with my camera.  And one can only imagine how I looked then - laughing by myself with a camera in my hand, running around the lakefront.
Sometimes your soul just needs a moment like that.


Mary Z said...

And it was worth it! Great photos - and you might have provided some great moments to anybody who was watching. LOL

Anonymous said...

Nice photos! I'm a pull the truck over to take pics kinda girl too! :)