December 1, 2006

Friday Snow

Poor Mexican president. He rigs an election, makes a democratic nation angry, and now is whining that he doesn't have the support of the people on his innaguration. If he suggests invading Venezuela because of their oil, I'm going to be frightened. It's December 1st. For most people, they see that as the first day of December. Or even of Advent. I, however, see it as the first piece of chocolate in my little calendar. Yum. Since it is December 1st, it's also World AIDS day. While in Botswana, we were told that the interior villages had rates of 70% of the population infected with HIV/AIDS. It's almost unfathomable. So if you can unbury yourself from this snow dump, wear your red. Speaking of the snow, I got to leave work at 1 today. Beautiful. Only one more day until the James Bond party...

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