Not much happened in January. As usual, it was cold. In spite of that, I spent a lot of hours walking along the frozen lake, marveling at how it changed day to day.
In February, after 3 months of waiting, our new couch finally came.
Of course, it was ripped, and I fought with the nasty furniture place for months to get it right.
But all was not lost, as we had a lot of fun in Chippewa Falls
In March, we celebrated our new 5 year old with Brad Beach at a Wave game.
And on a serious note, we changed course in our life plans as I started down the road of medication for my arthritis.
In April, we had a fabulous vacation in San Diego, visiting Sea World, the San Diego Zoo, the La Jolla seals and spending a great time on Mission beach.
May is always a jam-packed month of fabulousness for me. We spent a great birthday weekend geocaching:
I had a beautiful self-portrait painted for me for Mothers' Day
Baseball practice began
As did golf lessons
My nephew was confirmed
I checked #21 off my list when I took my picture in Chicago's Millennium Ball, and #23 when I ate at Xoco
We celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary watching the first part of Rigoletto (the 2nd half we spent in a bar. Yeah, we're still not opera people)
June was all about fun. We had Tigers softball games
Brewers games
Graduation parties
And the Orange Elephants.July
In July, C-man actually got over his water phobia and willingly participated in swimming lessons
We spent the 4th of July in Chippewa Falls with family
Endured the floods and the subsequent long-term fighting with the rotten village to get the problem resolved
And danced with my son in his "big man suit" at a family wedding
In August, I had the chance to spend some time with some dear friends in Northern California.
And watched the grapes grow
There were more Brewers games
Trips to the pool
Eating our way through State Fair
And we wrapped it all up with a tremendous back to school vacation in Eagle River that was filled with canoe rides, hot tubs, mini-golf and Harry Potter movies.
September brought another year of school. K5, this time
We picked apples
Got the recipe for Kaiserscharmm, and realized it has absolutely no apples in it
Met a beautiful new family member
And I took the leap into IV medication.
As we moved into October, we picked pumpkins (his named "Dirty", mine "Warty")
Trained dragons with friends at an epic party of fun,
and saw a lot of beautiful birds at the Horicon Marsh.
In November, we survived chairing the school rummage sale, successfully helping the school earn over $15,000 profit
Jingled through the zoo with my parents to benefit the Arthritis Foundation
And were thankful with family in Coleman.
In December, I sadly lost an aunt
Happily celebrated first snowfalls
Christmased with the Pelots,
Fa-la-laaaed at home
And finished it off with a week tearing apart the house on some much overdue home improvement projects.
2010 wasn't a year of extraordinary and amazing things. In fact, it had more than its fair share of disappointments, not the least of which was pumping my body full of various "medicines" that never seemed to fulfill on any of their promises. But in spite of all that, it was a full year; Full of love, family, and fun.
May our 2011 be as lucky.